Best Practices When Deploying Your Cashless Event

Even if the Intellitix Team is not on site with you, we want to make sure that your event goes off without a hitch. That’s why we put together this guide to walk you through best practices we have found in our years of experience. 

In this article, we will cover:

Your Equipment List

If you rented equipment from Intellitix you will receive an equipment list in your shipment that can help with your vendor sign-out and return process.

DEVICE COUNT Gives an overall count of how many devices there are.
DEVICE ID This corresponds to the serial number that is on the Intellitix barcode on the device. This is a good unique identifier to use for the devices.
DEVICE PASSCODE If the device needs to be unlocked at any point to troubleshoot or update, this code can be used to unlock it from the kiosk mode it is in.
DEVICE TYPE Helps identify which kind of device this is.
VENDOR ASSIGNMENT Can be used for you to assign each device to a specific vendor. We recommend doing this prior to the vendors coming for pick up so you already have everything ready to hand over to them.
CHECKED OUT Can be used at the event to mark the box when the vendor has picked up their device so you can keep track of who has picked up and who still needs to.
RETURNED Can be used to keep track of when the vendors return their devices at the end of the event. This way you can see who has not returned it at the end of the event.
NOTES A space for you to keep any notes needed about the devices. This is especially useful if a vendor returns something damaged so you know who did the damage.

POS User Guide

Below are one-page guides designed to walk your team and/or vendors through the point-of-sale processes. We recommend printing a copy of the guide that matches your event for each vendor and providing it to them during their training/device sign-out sessions.

Pick the guide that fits your cashless specs:

Equipment Lending Waiver

We recommend having vendors complete an equipment waiver when they pick up their equipment that confirms they are now responsible for the devices. The waiver should list the cost of devices in case they get lost or damaged. This also allows you to obtain the contact information of the pickup person or the person using the device on site, since sometimes it is not the same person that advanced the event.

Here is a template you can use: Equipment Lending Waiver.

You can make a copy of this template and update it to fit your event's specific needs.

Vendor Support (refunds, tech support, menu changes)

Prior to the event, we recommend creating clear policies on the following:


Vendors are unable to make refunds directly from their POS devices. All refunds will need to be completed via your Intellitix Cloud account. 

We’ve found it helpful to provide vendors with a small form they can fill out if they need a refund issued. This way, you can confirm that you get all of the information needed to look up and take action on an order in the Customers tools in Intellitix Cloud. Here’s a template you can make a copy of and use: Refund Form.

Menu Changes

Vendors are unable to make menu changes directly from their POS devices. All menu changes will need to be completed via your Intellitix Cloud account. 

We recommend reviewing all vendor menus in detail prior to your event. Once the event begins it’s often easiest to filter all menu change requests through one space. We have found that a centralized email address or text line is the simplest form of communication for vendors. If this is the method you use make sure you include this contact information on any handouts or training materials you provide to vendors.

Tech Support

Make sure your vendors know who to reach out to if they have questions about their POS device. Similar to the menu changes, a centralized system often helps your team and vendors stay organized. You can even use the same email or text line that you used for menu changes so everything is in one place.

Vendor Training

Once you have gotten your one-sheets, sign-out sheets, and procedures in place it is important to make sure that vendors feel comfortable using the devices and understand the event policy and procedures by holding a training session(s). 

Training Scheduling

If vendors are loading in the day before the event, we recommend holding trainings on that day so vendors have time to attend, listen, and ask questions. If vendors won’t be present until the day of the event, we recommend getting trainings done as early as possible so they or you are not rushing to get this important piece complete.

Pro-tip: We have seen better and more organized attendance for training sessions when event producers create sessions and ask vendors to sign up for a session in advance. 

For example, hold 30-minute sessions from 1 to 3 PM the day before the event and provide the vendors with a form where they can pick which time they are able to attend. You can send them a reminder about their session with some platforms as well. Here are some platforms that we have used: Signup Genius, Cognito Forms, Google Forms.

Here is an example of an email template you can use to coordinate vendor training sessions. 

What to Cover

We put together an outline of what we recommend covering in a vendor training session: Vendor Training Outline

You can make a copy of this outline and update it to fit your event's specific policies and procedures.

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